Make It Worth

Make It Worth

Thank you Seneca, I will use worthwhile. But there was a misprint. I meant: «The anticipated result makes it worth». Is there a general meaning for the two verbs together, "hacer valer" - To make worth might just be it Thank you. It was from Unamuno's story -- "Es menester que se haga. If you use it has a adjective, you can say "This coat is worth $100", or "This coat is worth $90", or "This coat is worth $150". Those values can be expressed comparatively: $90 is.

I would like to make a sentence which I feel say in wrong way. Please see the context. 1. I came to a town. 2. Before I come, an event had happened (heavy rain). Could I. "Do" is a word that has crept into colloquial usage in many lazy ways. It is used when people can't think of the right word and has almost become an idiom, albeit a very. [1] You should make an estimate of your net worth. [2] The vase is worth seventy dollars. In [1] "worth" is clearly a noun. It is head of the underlined noun phrase functioning as. What papakapp means is that, if you hire a boy to do some work, that boy will do one boy's worth of work. If you hire two boys, they will spend some time having fun with each. That would make sense as I've heard and seen non dimenticare almost everywhere, but please tell me if I am understanding correctly. Also, I guess the word 'ci'.

[1] You should make an estimate of your net worth. [2] The vase is worth seventy dollars. In [1] "worth" is clearly a noun. It is head of the underlined noun phrase functioning as. What papakapp means is that, if you hire a boy to do some work, that boy will do one boy's worth of work. If you hire two boys, they will spend some time having fun with each. That would make sense as I've heard and seen non dimenticare almost everywhere, but please tell me if I am understanding correctly. Also, I guess the word 'ci'. For value added, think of the term as the value added during the manufacturing of an item, say a car for instance. You start with a frame. $1000. Add an engine now its worth.

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